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How to rebrand sustainble fashion ?

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Sustainability is a great value to hold with, but no one said we have to wear hemp dresses or to change our wardrobe color palette to 50 shades of brown.

Fashion leaders hold the power to influence consumers to accept or reject any trend or movement, and this is how this journey begins.

Inside "Eco fashion" there is FASHION

As creative directors and designers in fashion industry, we know that promoting a sustainable fashion brand is not only about using ecological materials, but it’s also a development of the way we communicate with the consumers. Therefore, we create concept and visual language based on INSPIRATIONS, VISION and VALUES, exactly as we used to work with any non sustainable brand. The way of work has never changed, the rules are the same rules. In a world where eco-leather feels exactly like the real one, and designers can create “silk” made of citrus, eco fashion deserves to be in the front as well.

The common way of thinking about communicating sustainable fashion, is to connect the messages to nature, and natural elements, which makes sense. However, is that the most creative way that comes to you mind? what about childhood, memories, spirituality, or senses? The change starts in the mindset, ours first.

Our world is full of inspiration sources.

We should start to ask more questions. Out of sustainability, what more do we interested about? movements, subcultures, movies, art...etc. Where our brand is want to take the consumer to? what kind of journey? what colors? . As we know now, sustainable fashion can be communicated with no any limits. So in order to rebrand sustainable fashion, we should first consider it as just fashion.

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